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EZDetach for Microsoft Outlook

첨부파일을 detach 시킬 때 메일 메시지에 해당 파일에 대한 링크를 남기는 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.

그렇게 되면 복호화된 메일을 다시 attach 하지 못하더라도 각 메일 메시지별 어떤 첨부 파일이 첨부되어 있었는지는 사용자가 확인할 수 있고, 찾는 수고도 덜 수 있습니다.

물론 암/복호화 파일에 대해서는 테스트를 해보셔야 합니다.

EZDetach for Microsoft Outlook






EZDetach for Microsoft Outlook


Provided by:TechHit


Listing type:Download 


Rating: 4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars(244)

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Save, extract, remove, zip, and unzip attachments

EZDetach is a powerful yet very easy-to-use add-in for Microsoft Outlook that lets you save, remove, sort, categorize, zip, and unzip attachments from your e-mail messages. EZDetach from TechHit.com supports manual and rule-based modes in Outlook and integrates with Outlook for one-click access right from the toolbar. Use it to reduce your Inbox size, save and process attachments in batches, increase productivity and save time.

Learn more about EZDetach for Microsoft Outlook*

Add-ins are not supported by Office Starter.

* Clicking certain links on this page will transfer you to a non-Microsoft Web site that is solely under the control of a party unaffiliated with Microsoft. Microsoft has not tested the products or services offered on such Web sites and shall not be responsible for any content, product, or service offered on such Web sites.|report abuse